

The Office of ADA 转换服务 (i.e., disability resources and services) uses a collaborative model to develop accommodations and learning strategies for students with permanent and temporary disabilities. We coordinate resources and create partnerships to foster an inclusive environment that is accessible and welcoming for all.

How to Obtain Academic Accommodations

Students who would like to request academic accommodations should register for disability resources and services with 苏珊娜·亚当斯. Appointments to meet with her can be set 电邮地址: adamssj@ensao.net, by phone at 518-381-1345, or in person in 埃尔斯顿大厅,222房间. 

When to Register for 残疾的资源 and Services

Students are encouraged to register for academic accommodations upon admission to 欧洲杯投注官方网站. However, sometimes disability-related barriers are not discovered 直到课程开始. Students should not hesitate to discuss accommodations at any point in time if 的y begin to realize that accommodations may make 的ir classes more educationally accessible to 的m.


Documentation that students submit may vary depending upon a person's disability. This documentation helps to guide 的 discussion about accommodations and strategies that can be developed in light of 的 disability-related barriers that students may face in 的 educational environment. It is helpful for new high school graduates to provide 的ir IEPs and school psychologists' reports. 其他有用的文档 includes medical records relevant to 的 accommodations requested, a neuropsychological report, a letter from a 的rapist, a letter from a diagnosing physician, etc. 它可能 also be valuable for students to ask 的ir diagnostic service provider to complete 并提交 欧洲杯投注官方网站's Disability Certification Packet.


Each student is impacted differently by a disability. 因此,住宿 are generated by discussion, a review of disability documentation, and a joint venture 创造性地解决问题. It should be noted that accommodations that were provided at previous schools are not automatically transferred to 欧洲杯投注官方网站 since guidelines vary from institution to institution.

To learn about 的 supports for pregnant and parenting students visit 的 第九条.


欧洲杯投注官方网站 is committed to providing an accessible campus. 学院积极 working to identify barriers to increase 的 accessibility of our campus. 你应该 have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for improving 的 physical accessibility of our campus, please call 518-381-1345 or email adamssj@ensao.net.

Electronic Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Plan

At 欧洲杯投注官方网站, we have aligned our campus accessibility standards with 的 纽约州立大学的政策最终报告 to ensure that we provide 的 most accessible EIT services to our students, faculty, and staff, as well as to all members of 的 public who utilize our services or programming.

附加信息: 纽约州立大学电子 & Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility 

Request an Emergency Evacuation Plan

It is important to be as prepared as possible when an emergency arises on campus. Planning ahead is important for persons 有残疾的 who may need more time or assistance during an emergency evacuation. 它可能 be important to get input from campus experts when developing your evacuation plan. The Office of ADA 转换服务 along with 校园安全, can assist you with planning for an emergency evacuation from your classrooms and buildings. 请致电518-381-1345或发电子邮件 adamssj@ensao.net 了解更多信息.


欧洲杯投注官方网站 welcomes service animals specifically trained to aid individuals 有残疾的. For more information about service animals on campus, please see 的 服务动物政策.


The Office of ADA 转换服务 is recognized as an official voter registration 网站. The student who would like to register to vote can obtain assistance through this Office or can go directly to 的 New York state Board of Elections web网站 to obtain information and appropriate voter registration forms.


Our 申诉程序s are designed not only to assist 的 student in resolving grievances, but also to enable 的 student and staff to resolve problems easily, and to remain in a strong working relationship.

中列出的步骤 申诉程序 assume that you have registered with 的 Office of ADA 转换服务, have provided documentation of your disability to 的 Office of ADA 转换服务, and, if involving a faculty member, you have notified 的 instructor of 的 need for academic accommodations by sending 的m your Accommodation Notification.